It’s that time again – Every year on April 23, Germany celebrates the traditional Beer Day. What’s behind it? On April 23, 1516, the oldest food law in the world – the German Purity Law – was enacted. It is still valid today and stipulates that beer brewed in Germany may only contain four ingredients: Water, malt, hops and yeast. In 1994, this day is officially designated “Beer Day” in Germany.
To a good cooperation
Germany is considered the world champion in beer production. colordruck Baiersbronn also contributes a part to this title. As a packaging manufacturer, we produce a wide variety of outer packaging for many breweries in Germany. Hochdorfer Kronenbrauerei has also been ordering new packaging for its beer specialties from us on a regular basis since 2012. “With colordruck Baiersbronn we maintain a competent, reliable and friendly cooperation. colordruck Baiersbronn produces all 6’s blanks for our brewery, especially for our NaturRadler and now – brand new – also for our Euro bottles 0.5 l with the Helles and Kellergold products,” says Sigrid Haizmann from Hochdorfer. Hochdorfer’s beer mix NaturRadler, their “Helles” or the naturally cloudy “Kellergold”, all products have different characteristics and special features. Our packaging gives each beer, in addition to its flavorful character, a visually unique appearance, a face by which it will always be recognized.
The first impression counts
Unique packaging serves as a marketing tool and advertising medium. The decision whether or not to buy a product often depends on the packaging. It often plays a significant role in the purchase decision.
Do you also want to put your products in the limelight?
As a packaging service provider, we are a competent contact and will be happy to support you on the way to your desired packaging. Contact us – we look forward to hearing from you.