Scarcity of natural resources, global warming and soaring energy costs require a global rethink, and force each and every one of us to act in a more resource-efficient way.

As a responsible company that describes its value proposition as ‘sustainability’, we have a special commitment to nature. We recognise our duty and are protecting nature by combining environmentally friendly business with sustainable production.

Cardboard is one of the most environmentally friendly packaging materials of all. We use cardboard made from recycled material as well as primary-fibre cardboard – including from responsibly managed forests, if required. Cardboard packaging can also be fed into the recycling process without any problems.

At colordruck Baiersbronn, we have always placed great value on harmonising environmental aspects with the company’s processes.

SilverScore at EcoVadis.

We are proud to announce that colordruck Baiersbronn has again received an EcoVadis rating this year, achieving the coveted SilverScore. This marks significant progress compared to last year, when we achieved Bronze status. Our rise above the industry standard is a testament to our ongoing commitment to a more sustainable future.

The EcoVadis platform rates over 100,000 companies worldwide on their sustainability performance.

For a world worth living in.

Scarcity of natural resources, global warming and soaring energy costs require a global rethink, and force each and every one of us to act in a more resource-efficient way. As a responsible company that describes its value proposition as ‘sustainability’, we have a special commitment to nature. We recognise our duty and are protecting nature by combining environmentally friendly business with sustainable production.

Code of Conduct for Suppliers.

As we are committed to ethical, lawful, environmentally conscious and socially responsible business conduct, we expect the same behaviour from all those with whom we do business.

We strive to continuously optimise the sustainability of our business activities and our products. We also require our suppliers to comply with laws and regulations and to underpin their business activities with sustainable practices.

By signing our Code of Conduct, the supplier confirms that they have taken note of it and fully comply with the obligations.

Always one sustainable packaging step ahead.

We have chosen ‘sustainability’ as our corporate discipline. Our Sustainability Report 2023 summarises the main environmental, civic and social developments in our company. Its content reflects the material challenges of sustainable development that are relevant to our business activities.

Sustainable management as part of the KLIMAWIN.

Since December 2022, colordruck Baiersbronn has been part of Baden-Württemberg’s sustainability strategy as a KLIMAWIN company. This means that we not only assume responsibility in social, economic and ecological areas, we also report annually on our development in the twelve guiding principles of the KLIMAWIN and our focal topics. In addition, we regularly describe the colordruck Baiersbronn KLIMAWIN projects. More details on the KLIMAWIN are described on the KLIMAWIN website.