Order by mouse click

With our online shop designyourpackaging.de, we offer business partners such as Kambly an innovative platform with a lot of options for customising packaging and ordering it quickly and easily at the click of a mouse. The artwork can be uploaded via Upload & Print. By changing the dimensions, the packaging can be adapted to a larger or smaller product and thus does not require any waiting time for a new packaging development.

Die Zusammenarbeit mit colordruck Baiersbronn ist von der Kontaktaufnahme über die Entwicklung der verschiedenen Verpackungsformate bis hin zum Druck sehr professionell. Weiter schätzen wir die Flexibilität und rasche Umsetzung unserer Ideen.

Nico Voegeli (Leiter Firmenkunden Deutschland)
Kambly SA.


To arouse even more emotions in the customer, the advertising medium can of course also be personalised with a picture or name. You can read all about personalisable packaging in our blog post from last month:

Interest aroused?

We are happy to advise and support you in the implementation of campaigns and the introduction of new products. From design planning and printing to packaging and shipping, we are always at your disposal. We look forward to your enquiry.

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This is what you can expect:

  • Brancheninsights

  • Packaging trends and insider tips

  • Explanation of new technologies

  • Expert know-how in production and printing

  • News from our three divisions

  • Company information