The year that is coming to an end was in many ways peppered with great challenges in business as well as in social interaction. The global pandemic is still dictating the agenda and continues to present us with unprecedented challenges. Seldom before has it seemed more difficult to find the right balance in order to do justice to all members and organisations in our society.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of colordruck Baiersbronn’s business partners for the good cooperation in this memorable year of 2020. It shows, even and especially in difficult times, how important business relationships based on shared values are. colordruck Baiersbronn sees itself as a stable and reliable partner in a world characterised by more and more uncertainties.
As always, the basis for this is a stable foundation. At colordruck Baiersbronn, this is the employees in all business areas. They have implemented and supported the measures taken in response to the pandemic in an exemplary manner, for the protection and safety of all employees. This has made it possible to permanently guarantee production safety, a prerequisite for the fulfilment of existing business agreements.
If we look ahead to 2021, there will be a number of market uncertainties in addition to those already known. How well will our society manage to cope with this crisis? How well will it manage to protect the most vulnerable in hospitals, old people’s homes and nursing homes? How will the economy and consumer behaviour develop? Many more questions will occupy us in the coming months.
Nevertheless, we look forward to the new year with courage and confidence. After Corona, the topics of sustainability and climate will once again become the focus of business enterprises. colordruck Baiersbronn has always been committed to these issues. Fibre-based cardboard packaging has enjoyed the trust and sympathy of consumers for many years due to its good recyclability and its many positive properties, and it will play an even more important role in the future.
Finally, I would like to report a change in personnel. Since 1 December 2020, Mr Mike Günther has joined the Executive Board. He succeeds Thomas Pfefferle, who left the company in spring 2020. Mr Günther previously worked in industry for over 20 years and brings more than 13 years of experience as commercial manager, authorised signatory and deputy managing director. Together we will continue to develop colordruck Baiersbronn as a strong partner for industrial and service companies as well as brand manufacturers.
In this spirit, I wish our employees, our customers and business partners a happy and, above all, healthy New Year!
Martin Bruttel
Managing Director colordruck Baiersbronn